Damage to joints osteoarthritis occurs for a variety of reasons, but the consequences of the disease have a significant negative impact on the activity of the man. If we consider osteoarthritis of the knee-joint, it should be noted that the disease is the most common one among all types of osteoarthritis. Report identified diagnoses by sex shows that, in addition to the osteoarthritis of the knee by the female patients. The world statistics says that about 22% of the population suffer from knee osteoarthritis.

What reasons can lead to osteoarthritis of the knee?
To identify the causes of osteoarthritis it took perennial the investigation of patients and the clinical study of the disease. The doctors revealed that, under the influence of some negative factors results in the destruction of the cartilage, it wears out and ceases to protect the joint. Occurs the friction between the heads of the joint, which causes the syndrome of the pain and the inflammation. As well, have been installed of the main reasons leading to the destruction of the cartilage:
- The injury to the knee. If someone at a certain period of his life, had a fracture or dislocation of the knee, it is included in a group at risk, and subsequently may fall sick osteoarthritis. In case of damage of the joint embarrasses its motion, and of therapeutic therapy provides for the fixing. The long-term presence in stillness leads to disruption of blood circulation which promotes the formation of osteoarthritis.
- Injury to the meniscus. One of the most dangerous of reasons. Any lesion of this organ of the knee joint invariably leads to the formation of the knee.
- An intense physical activity. Especially careful it is necessary to refer to a intense exercise, the load on the knee for the elderly. A strong pressure on the knee joint, which weakens with age, can lead to microtrauma, which does not manifest itself immediately, but has then led to the formation of a negative of the process of destruction of the cartilage. After 40 years, it is necessary to protect the knees and an approach to the practice of sport, and the amount of work reasonable, in reducing their number. Avoid these exercises like the squat or running on asphalt.
- The weakness of the structure of the ligaments. Generally, it leads to a wave of the mobility of the joint. Enjoyable in its youth, the flexibility of the body in old age an impact on the state of the knee joint and will lead to the emergence of the knee.
- Other diseases of the joints. If man, for example, discovered the arthritis, with time it can turn into osteoarthritis.
- A large weight. Extra pounds increase the pressure on the knee, may be the emergence of an injury to the meniscus. The overweight position deteriorates, develops osteoarthritis. If the man with a large weight is present varicose veins, it can develop a very severe form of the knee.
- Problems with the metabolism. The failures in the metabolism causing a poor intake of necessary elements in the fabric. The Cartilage and the bone loses calcium, which leads to destruction, and the weakening of their structure.
- Stress and nervous tension. Frequent anxiety and emotions have a negative impact on the state of the joints. On the emotional level, women are under more stress. It is particularly difficult to tolerate the stress of nervous of the woman, whose age is approaching 50 years of age, when comes the period of menopause.
Characteristics of the extent of the knee
In medicine, it is useful to divide the osteoarthritis of knee joints on the degree of evolution. In addition, the volume of the lesion, the disease may be bilateral or unilateral. Unilateral gonarthrosis are on the right side and the left side. More information on the disease specialist on this video:
For each degree of the disease consists of clinical, showing the severity of its development.
The first degree
Reveal osteoarthritis of the knee 1 degree – this is a great chance for the physician and the patient. The disease at this stage does not maintains the clinical signs. The disease can be diagnosed at the time of the clinical examination or during the search for another disease.
The second degree of the

In the symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knees of degree 2, new signs of the disease. The severity of the pain and stiffness in the area of the knee increases. The muscles in the hit the place are dead because of this that the person starts to protect the patient of the limits, there is less to do with his load. Begin a distortion of joint, in which it is impossible to bend the knee. Palpation specialist detects a fault of the education. Develops gradually and the deformation of the joint. The knee hurt recovers.
The third degree
Osteoarthritis of the knee 3 degree have been feeling a constant pain. The deformation reaches a critical volume, in which the member ceases to bend and stretch, the person becomes difficult to walk, up to the full immobility of the leg. In the absence of a proper treatment in the affected joint develops ankylosis. The tissue of cartilage was completely destroyed, the friction of joints intensifies. Arrives the situation when the osteoarthritis of the knee, surgery is the only effective means of treatment.
The symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee
Determine the presence of the knee is capable only of the specialist, but for the patient, it is important to know the basis for osteoarthritis of the knee symptoms. For the disease characterized by the following symptoms:
- The pain syndrome. The pain in the knees with osteoarthritis may not appear immediately. Minor events can upset the person for several years. And then there is an increase of the pain, they do not stop and in a calm state, and arising necessarily after a long walk.
- A popping sound.2 and 3 clearly steps listening to the crackling in the knee.
- Synovitis. The accumulation of fluid in hit the knee joint, causes swelling in the knee in osteoarthritis, as the doctors call it a cyst Baker.
- The deformation of the knee joint.Appears at an advanced stage of the disease. Accompanied by an inflammatory process and swelling.
How is diagnosed the knee?
The main diagnostic tool, a physician working in clinical routine, is used as the x-ray of the patient. With the help of x-ray, the expert can see the degree of development of a pathological process. In addition, x-rays allow us to eliminate possible causes of the sensations uncomfortable tumor and other diseases.
In the initial phase of the knee is manifested weakly, on the photo there is no change. To win in the diagnosis, your doctor may prescribe a study repeated after a certain period of time. With the development of the disease x-ray shows a narrowing of the joint space, reveals the joint in the subchondral region of the joint. It is important to take into account the fact that for older patients characterized by changes in the joints, but still these changes lead to the development of the pathology. Only the combination of symptoms of knee osteoarthritis, visible on the photo, and clinical symptoms allow an expert to note the presence of the man of the osteoarthritis of the knee.
Progressive ways of treatment of the disease
jpg ' class='imgblock right center_mob'>Modern medicine is constantly on the research, such as osteoarthritis of the knee treated effectively, and find new ways to fight dangerous disease. Today, patients have offered methods such as the ozonothérapie and physiotherapy.
The ozonothérapie is a treatment of the affected joint by ozone. Refers to the physical and allows you to enter ozone treated medication by injection into the muscle tissue. Works anti-inflammatory and bezbolevaya, to contribute effectively to improve the vascularization of the problem. The method has no contraindications.
Physiotherapy is a complex of special exercises designed to improve joint mobility, strengthen the flow of blood in the wrong place, the recovery of tissue, impairment of the cartilage and the elasticity of the ligaments. Perform special exercises are used the training equipment. The work includes not only the affected joint, but of all the systems of the body, to lead to a better state of the body of the patient.
LFK with osteoarthritis of the knee
The effectiveness of physical therapy with osteoarthritis of the knee joint is proven of several years of use and enthusiastic feedback from patients, through PHYSIOTHERAPY kept the motor function of the limb. Of course, with exercises should be a part of the overall treatment of the disease. As if you do not do without drugs and physical therapy to achieve full of changes for the better possible. The principle of the exercise: not beyond the load on the diseased joint, only spaced closer together, and the calm of the movement. At home, you can perform a simple exercise, improves blood circulation and helps to remove the spasm of the muscles. He should lie down on your back, raise corrected the leg and hold it in the air a few seconds. Useful simply lift the feet alternately, be in the same position.
The specificity of the massage patients the knee
A useful addition to the medical tactic is used massage with osteoarthritis of the knee. Even the experts believe that the massage is essential in the treatment of this disease. If you go in for a massage with osteoarthritis of the knee in the house, you must follow certain rules. Before you begin the massage, you must warm up the knee. To this effect, you can do a warm bath or to hold the knee under the hot shower, but the abuse of procedure should not be. For the effectiveness of the massage and you must do it every day, to lose 10-15 minutes on a single session. In massage patients the knee, are the three main methods: stroking, kneading and irritation. The movement is repeated 3 to 6 times. If you are in pain to one knee, massage the health and finitude.
Therapeutic methodology of gonarthrosis by experts
The problem of effective treatment of gonarthrosis involved many scientists and doctors. Some of them have already achieved significant results in the fight against the dangerous disease. In our country deserve a special attention to the methodology of the doctor Bubnovsky and a physician rheumatologist Evdokimenko.

Method Bubnovsky
Doctor of medical sciences S. M. Bubnovsky, has developed unique medical supplies, where he refused medication and intervention. The starting point of this method is the factor that the patients in the knee occurs in the reduced production of synovial fluid. When disappears, the grease, the joint ceases to function properly. The tactics of treatment Bubnovsky involves the use of physiotherapy and physiotherapy. The choice of exercises and procedures is custom, the doctor focuses on the health status of the patient and the degree of the disease. After studying the x-rays, the doctor of the therapeutic class plan. When the weak physical condition of the patient himself are assigned to light exercise. With time, more complex economic, and performing regularly, the patient may rely on the following results:
- the standardization of the nutrition of the cartilage and the bone tissue;
- the disappearance of the pain;
- the improvement of the cellular structure of the cartilage;
- complete restoration of motor skills of the tribe.
In addition, the doctor Bubnovsky gives additional recommendations. The specialist advises the sick, the knee actively to swimming, walking in the course of a therapeutic massage, to visit the bathroom. To relieve the pain, you can take a shower or apply to the sick of the tribe of the cold compresses.
Method Evdokimenko
A physician-rheumatologist Evdokimenko his approach in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee. In his method uses two components: the drugs and the physio.
Patients the knee Evdokimenko uses a number of medicines, including:
- non-steroidal means, in rummaging in the pain syndrome and inflammation;
- the injection of intra, able to quickly cut the discomfort to occur in the joint of pathological processes;
- chondroprotectors, because workers component that retrieves the cartilage tissue;
- analgesic gels, ointments and creams;
- compresses.
For the strengthening of the action of drugs and the integrated effects of the injury Evdokimenko proposes to move the physiotherapy, gymnastics and the use of techniques of manual therapy. If you follow the method of Evdokimenko, and start treatment at an early stage, you can stop processing in 1 year. At the 2 the degree of the disease, it will take several years to complete the articulation of the standard and to return it to natural mobility. The methodology Evdokimenko is not used in the treatment of 3 degrees of the knee. The doctor is not without reason says that during this phase, the patient shows a surgical intervention. The number of the specific recommendations of Evdokimenko a board to follow a diet and to balance her diet to improve your metabolism and help the tissues of the cartilage and the joint to receive all the useful items.
How to build the power patients the knee?
The task of a patient with excess weight in order to build your diet for the products that are low in calories and rich set of useful substances. The gross denial of food to a period of fasting helps to lose weight quickly, but it creates a situation of stress for the body and can worsen the situation.

Estimated daily card patients, the knee may look like:
- The breakfast. The oat flour water (without salt and sugar), 1 egg and a glass of fruit juice.
- Second breakfast. 1 cup of low-fat yogurt (natural).
- Lunch. Vegetable stew with a piece of meat or fish varieties low in fat. Of the tea unsweetened.
- A taste. Curd casserole. A handful of nuts and 1 glass of fruit juice.
- Dinner. Vegetable salad, apple, tea without sugar.
- The second dinner. 1 glass of 1% or skim yogurt.
The time of a meal you expect not usual for you the plan, but the last admission must be no later than 19 hours.
The prevention of osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is a serious disease and dangerous illness, that can change your life for the worse. The treatment of the disease takes a lot of time, requires the patient to be patient and to certain restrictions in habits and nutrition. If you never want to deal with these problems, take care of your knees at a young age